
Discover the best recipes made with ITAGA products, crafted by top chefs of Mexican haute cuisine.

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Roquefort cheese shrimps


  • 1 kg shrimps
  • ½ kg roquefort cheese
  • a/n olive oil
  • 2 pc garlic
  • a/n fine herbs
  • 1 pc cream
  • a/n Xanath, vanilla liquor


Wash and clean the shrimps; remove the peel and cut from the back part. Add salt and pepper as needed. Then in a saucepan fry with oil, the garlic, salt, pepper and fine herbs to taste. Set aside and reserve.

In a large saucepan, add olive oil, a bit of garlic, cream and the roquefort cheese to taste. Cook until the cheese melts, then add Xanath,  vanilla liquor. 

Serve shrimps with the vanilla sauce and decorate with edible flowers.

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Chancho vainilla ribs


  • 12 kg pork ribs
  • 3 tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 tbsp ITAGA natural vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • ¼ ITAGA allspice
  • a/n sea salt
  • 1 pc fresh rosemary
  • 200 ml olive oil
  • a/n pepper
  • Aluminum foil
  • c/n potatoes


In a bowl mix well the brown sugar, 3 tablespoons of ITAGA natural vanilla extract, the balsamic vinegar and the finely minced rosemary. Set aside and reserve.

Preheat the oven to 250 °F/ 121°C. Cover the ribs with salt and Gaya allspice. In a saucepan, heat olive oil and seal the ribs from all sides.

Set aside and transfer to a large pan. Varnish with the vanilla mix (reserve a little to varnish again), wrap on aluminum foil and bake for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Take out and unwrap. Varnish again and bake for another 15 minutes.Take out and chill for 5 minutes. 

Serve with fried potato wedges.

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Fettuccine with shrimps and vanilla sauce


  •  250 g fresh shrimp in cubes or crab or pulp
  • 2 pc sweet oranges, 
  • 4 pc seedless lime,
  • ½ pc orange zest
  • a/n salt and pepper
  • 35 ml Xanath,  vanilla liquor
  •  ¼ tsp ITAGA vanilla and spices chiltepín
  • 3 ½ tbsp ITAGA ground vanilla
  • 1 pc celery
  • 6 pc cilantro 
  • 1 pc radish
  • 3 pc corn (grains)
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped onion
  • 2 tbsp sesame
  • 50 g butter
  • 200 g mayonnaise
  • 150 g of corn dough
  • ½ tsp ITAGA vanilla paste
  • 2 tbsp ITAGA vanilla sedes


Dice the celery, the cilantro, the radish and the onion. Add the juice of 2 limes, salt and pepper to taste. Let chill for 10 minutes. 

In a saucepan fry the butter, the Xanath, vanilla liquor and

the corn grains. Then reserve. 

For the mayonnaise, mix the Chiltpeín and the ITAGA ground vanilla. Add to the vegetable mixture and the corn grains.

Drain the excess water of the shrimps. Add to the mixture and mix well: add 2 finely chopped avocados. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. 

To prepare the tostadas, knead the dough with sesame, ITAGA ground vanilla, ITAGA vanilla Paste and the ITAGA vanilla seeds into tortilla shape. Cook in a comal. Set aside and then fry in a shallow saucepan with hot oil. Remove the excess oil and let chill. 

Plate the tostadas with the ceviche on top and decorate with sliced radish and edible flowers. 

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Coconut shrimp with mango and vanilla chutney


  •  1 kg shrimp
  • 4 pc grated coconut
  • 2 pc egg
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 2 pc mango
  • 100 g onion
  • 2 pc habanero chile
  • 500 ml oil
  • a/n salt and pepper
  • ¼ c ITAGA natural vanilla extract
  • a/n ITAGA vanilla pods


Wash and clean the shrimps; remove the peel and cut from the back part. Add salt and pepper as needed. 

One by one, dredge each shrimp in the flour, then dip in the whisked eggs and then in the grated coconut. Heat oil in a shallow saucepan and fry the shrimps until deeply golden and crisp.

For the chutney, fry in a saucepan the onion, the habanero peppers in slices and the mangos pulp for 15 minutes. Reserve and then process in a blender. Add salt and ITAGA natural vanilla extract.

Serve the shrimps with the mango and vanilla chutney and decorate with ITAGA vanilla pods.

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Peach and vanilla chicken


  • 650 ml non dairy milk
  • 2 c ice
  • 2 tbsp ITAGA natural vanilla extract
  • 200 ml, Xanath, vanilla liquor (Optional)
  • a/n ITAGA ground cinnamon
  •  ½ tbsp ground ginger
  • 4 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp honey bee
  • 100 g oats


In a blender add the non dairy milk, the honey and the Xanath, vanilla liquor. Add the ITAGA natural vanilla extract, the oats, brown sugar, ground ginger and ice. Blend until smooth.

Serve in a tall glass and decorate with ITAGA ground cinnamon.

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White mole with vanilla


  •  1 kg pork ribs
  •  ¼ kg peeled almonds
  • 2 pc güero chile
  • ¼ pc white onion
  • 2 c cooked white beans
  • 1 c white beans broth
  • 100 g sesame
  • 4 pc garlic
  • 1 c chicken broth
  • 50 g raisins
  • 50 g white chocolate
  • 2 tsp ITAGA natural vanilla extract
  • 1 pc ITAGA vanilla pods
  • a/n oil
  • a/n porks lard

 Note: Pre cook the beans and separate 1 cup of broth and 1 cup of grains.


In a saucepan saute the sesame. In another sauce add oil and seal the ribs from all sides. Set aside and reserve.

Heat the pork lard and add the güero chiles, the garlic, the onion, the raisins and the peeled almonds. Then transfer the mixture to the blender with the bean grains, the bean and chicken broth and the white chocolate. 

Finely blend and transfer again to the saucepan. Add the ribs and cook for 20 minutes.

Serv in a clay plate and decorate with toasted sesame.

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Teriyaki chicken with vanilla


  •  1 pc onion
  • 3 pc garlic
  • 4 pc chicken breast
  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 ml orange juice
  • 50 ml Xanath, vanilla liquor
  • 1 pc cilantro
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • a/n olive oil, salt and pepper


Cut chicken into cubes. Marinade with milk for 30 minutes.

In a saucepan, heat olive oil and add  the onion, the garlin and the marinated chicken. Set aside and reserve. 

For the Teriyaki sauce, cook the sugar, the orange juice and the Xanath, vanilla liquor in a medium saucepan; stir constantly until mixture thickens. Set aside.

Fry the finely chopped cilantro with olive oil, then set aside. In the saucepan add the chicken and the teriyaki sauce.Cook over low heat.

Serve the Teriyaki chicken with the fried cilantro.

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Rice and beans


  • 2 c rice
  • 2 c coconut milk
  • 2 c beans broth
  • 1 c bean grains
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 pc ITAGA vanilla pods
  • 1 tbsp ITAGA natural vanilla extract


Cook the beans in a large shallow saucepan, separate 2 cups of the bean broth and 1 cup of the bean grains.

Cut the coconut in half and take out the pulp. Mix in a blender the pulp and the coconut water. Strain and then separate the coconut milk into two cups.

In a saucepan, fry the rice and add 2 cups of the bean broth, 2 cups of the coconut milk and the bean grains, bring to a boil and add the seeds of the ITAGA vanilla pods and the ITAGA natural vanilla extract.

Serve with fried plantain, chicken or fish and fresh or russian salad.

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Vanilla chicken


  • 1 kg chicken
  • 125 g onion
  • 90 g butter
  • ½ c apple vinegar
  • 10 g ITAGA Allspice 
  • 2 c cream
  • 2 c milk
  • a/n salt
  • ¼ c ITAGA natural vanilla extract


Wash and clean the chicken. Add salt, pepper and vinegar to taste.

Dice the onion and fry with butter in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Then add to the blender with the cream, milk and the ITAGA natural vanilla extract. Blend well.

In a saucepan, cook the chicken with butter and add mixture. Cook for 5 minutes.

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Taki Bek’et Vanilla tacos


  • 250 g dry meat***
  • 100 g cooked corn without lime
  • a/n ITAGA natural vanilla extract
  • a/n ground chile de árbol
  • a/n Xanath, vanilla liqour
  • 1 pc purple onion
  • 250 g nixtamalized white corn
  • 5 pc habanero chile
  • 4 pc lime


Grind the cooked corn, add water and cook on low heat in a saucepan. Add ground chile de arbol, Xanath, vanilla liqour and ITAGA natural vanilla extract. Reduce and set aside.

Prepare the dough with the nixtamalized white corn with water and salt to taste. Knead into tortilla shapes and cook in the Comal. Set aside and reserve.

Cut the onion in half slices. In a bowl mix well the onions, the finely chopped chiles, the limes juice and add salt to taste. Reserve.

Finely chop the dry meat and cook on low heat in a saucepan. Stir constantly and add salt and lime to taste.

Serve the tortillas with the meat and top with onion mixture and sauce.

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Vanilla Shrimp Tagliatelli


  • 500 g Tagliatelli
  • 500 g shrimp
  • 200 g parmesan cheese
  • 3 c ITAGA vanilla pods
  • ½ lt water
  • a/n olive oil
  • 1 pc onion
  • 4 pc garlic
  • a/n de ITAGA natural vanilla extract


In a large saucepan bring water to the boil and then add the tagliatelli Simmer for 15 minutes. Drain and pour cold water, then drain again. Set aside and reserve.

In another saucepan, heat olive oil and add onion, garlic and the shrimps. Cook with the ITAGA natural vanilla extract until mixture thickens. Add pasta and mix well.

Serve with parmesan cheese and decorate with ITAGA vanilla pods. 

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Vanilla ceviche Tostadas


  •  250 g fresh shrimp in cubes or crab or pulp
  • 2 pc sweet oranges 
  • 4 pc seedless lime,
  • ½ pc orange zest.
  • a/n salt and pepper
  • 35 ml Xanath vanilla liquor
  • ¼ tsp ITAGA vanilla and spices chiltepín
  • 3 ½ tbsp Gaya ground vanilla
  • 1 pc celery, 6 pc cilantro
  • 1 pc radish,
  • 3 pc corn (grains) 
  • 1 tbsp finely
  • chopped onion, 
  • 2 tbsp sesame
  • 50 g butter, 200 g mayonnaise, 
  • 150 gof corn dough
  • ½ tsp ITAGA vanilla paste
  • 2 tbsp ITAGA vanilla seedes


Dice the celery, the cilantro, the radish and the onion. Add the juice of 2 limes, salt and pepper to taste. Let chill for 10 minutes. 

In a saucepan fry the butter, the Xanath,  vanilla liquor and the corn grains. Then reserve. 

For the mayonnaise, mix the Chiltpeín and the ITAGA ground vanilla. Add to the vegetable mixture and the corn grains. Drain the excess water of the shrimps. Add to the mixture and mix well: add 2 finely chopped avocados. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. 

To prepare the tostadas, knead the dough with sesame, ITAGA ground vanilla, ITAGA vanilla Paste and the ITAGA vanilla seeds into tortilla shape. Cook in a comal. Set aside and then fry in a shallow saucepan with hot oil. Remove the excess oil and let chill. 

Plate the tostadas with the ceviche on top and decorate with sliced radish and edible flowers.

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