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We are a family enterprise, proudly presenting Mexican vanilla planifolia to global markets for over 150 years. 

Our legacy as vanilla connoisseurs spans five generations, rooted in a tradition of excellence.

Domingo Gaia Tossi
Emigrated to "The Americas," settling in the city of Gutiérrez Zamora in the state of Veracruz, Mexico; specializing in vanilla production. José Gaya Ragni continues the family tradition in the world of vanilla.

The Gaya family builds the first vanilla processing oven in Mexico.

Orlado Gaya Montini begins the production and commercialization of natural vanilla extract through a small industrial plant, using secret recipes for vanilla extract, vanilla liqueur “Xanath,” and coffee liqueur “Camino Real,” which have become some of the most popular globally.

Italo Gaya Capellini continues the family tradition, introducing innovations such as intensive production of vanilla cuttings.

The Agricultural Innovation Unit is established, the use of industrial shade is first used to implement intensive production systems with irrigation technology. At the same time, a project begins to introduce technology into vanilla cultivation to achieve higher productivity.

Establishment of commercial offices in San Antonio, TX.

Partnership with SASTI Gestión en Innovación SC for support, advice, and services to vanilla producers. Coverage extended to up to 800 vanilla producers.

Partnership with CEMIVAC, the Mexican Center for Vanilla Research in Mexico. Inauguration of the in vitro vanilla propagation laboratory.

Growth and renovation of industrial facilities.


Today, ITAGA is the official GAYA brand in the United States, provides quality products with great nutritional value to the international market


We innovate processes and hold national and international certifications that endorse the excellent quality of our products